Lithops are popular houseplants as they require relatively low maintenance and mostly thrive on neglect. They need very infrequent watering as they can store water for many months. When it is the right season to water lithops, water thoroughly, but wait until the soil is completely dry before watering again.
Water from late spring to early summer. Lithops goes dormant mid-summer, so stop watering at this point. If the leaves shrivel, give it just a small amount of water. Resume watering late summer/early fall as it will start flowering at this point. Lithops shouold be left dry during winter and spring. This allows it to shed its old leaf and by spring, a new leaf should develop. You can start watering them again once the old leaves are completely dried.
Lithops require bright sun, ideally getting 4-5 hours of morning sun, and then partial shade in the afternoon.
This plant is imported from Korea. Each pot will come with either 4-5 variety of lithops.